Source code for ecstasy.flags

Formatting and style flags for ecstasy.

from enum import Enum, unique

import ecstasy.errors as errors


[docs]class Hack(object): """ A hack namespace to make enumeration work continuously across multiple flag enum-classes. 'last' will be set to the last enumerated enum-class and start to the value at which the flag values of the enum-class currently being evaluated in the Flags.__new__() method start (i.e. start is the flag value of the previous enum-class left- shifted by one bit). """ last = None start = 1
[docs]class Flags(Enum): """ Base class for all flag enum-classes as well as the individual flag objects/enum members inside the classes (by virtue of the enum.Enum semantics). The most important re-defined method is __new__ which initializes a flag with a command-line format/style escape-code specific to the flag, as well as with a numeric value (power of 2) that depends on its position inside the enum-class and also on the position of the enum-class itself inside the order of enum classes (as the Hack mechanism will continuously increment flag values over multiple Flags sub-enum-classes). This class also defines various necessary operator and conversion overloads that define the semantics/interaction of flags (such as that you can bitwise-OR and bitwise-AND them). """ def __new__(cls, code): """ Constructs a new flag value. Apart from constructing a flag via object.__new__, this method also sets the flags 'code' attribute and its value, which is automatically determined by the position of the flag in all enum-classes. """ global LIMIT if cls is not Hack.last: if Hack.last: # Last flag left shifted by 1 bit Hack.start = list(Hack.last)[-1].value << 1 Hack.last = cls obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = Hack.start << len(cls) # noqa obj.code = str(code) LIMIT = obj._value_ << 1 # noqa return obj def __int__(self): """ Converts the flag to its value. Returns: The integer value stored inside the flag's 'value' attribute. """ return self.value def __str__(self): """ Turns the flag into its style-code. Returns: The flag's style/formatting code. """ return self.code def __or__(self, other): """ Bitwise-OR operator overload. Arguments: other (Flag or int): A flag or a flag-combination (i.e. an integer). Returns: The combination of the bitwise-OR-ed flags (int). """ return self.value | int(other) def __ror__(self, other): """ Reverse Bitwise-OR operator overload. Arguments: other (int): An integer value, usually a flag combination. Returns: The combination of the passed integer and the flag (int). """ return self.value | other def __and__(self, other): """ Bitwise-OR operator overload. Arguments: other (Flags): A flag. Returns: The combination of the bitwise-OR-ed flags (int). """ return self.value & other.value def __rand__(self, other): """ Reverse Bitwise-AND operator overload. Arguments: other (int): An integer value, usually a flag combination. Returns: The result of AND-ing the passed integer and the flag (int). """ return other & self.value
[docs]class Style(Flags): """ Special formatting flags pertaining to any style alterations that do not involve color (but other factors of appearence). """ Reset = (0) Bold = (1) Dim = (2) Underline = (4) Blink = (5) Invert = (7) Hidden = (8)
[docs]class Color(Flags): """ Text color flags (not fill-color). """ Default = (39) Black = (30) DarkRed = (31) DarkGreen = (32) DarkYellow = (33) DarkBlue = (34) DarkMagenta = (35) DarkCyan = (36) Gray = (37) DarkGray = (90) Red = (91) Green = (92) Yellow = (93) Blue = (94) Magenta = (95) Cyan = (96) White = (97)
[docs]class Fill(Flags): """ Fill color flags (not text-color). """ Default = (49) Black = (40) DarkRed = (41) DarkGreen = (42) DarkYellow = (43) DarkBlue = (44) DarkMagenta = (45) DarkCyan = (46) Gray = (47) DarkGray = (100) Red = (101) Green = (102) Yellow = (103) Blue = (104) Magenta = (105) Cyan = (106) White = (107)
[docs]def codify(combination): """ Gets escape-codes for flag combinations. Arguments: combination (int): Either a single integer-convertible flag or an OR'd flag-combination. Returns: A semi-colon-delimited string of appropriate escape sequences. Raises: errors.FlagError if the combination is out-of-range. """ if (isinstance(combination, int) and (combination < 0 or combination >= LIMIT)): raise errors.FlagError("Out-of-range flag-combination!") codes = [] for enum in (Style, Color, Fill): for flag in enum: if combination & flag: codes.append(str(flag)) return ";".join(codes)